Wednesday, September 7, 2011

San Francisco Farmers Market

Every Sunday and Wednesday the city has a Farmers Market in the Civic Center with the City Hall as a beautiful backdrop.

I try to go on one of these two days because the prices are better than any grocery store in the city! I love the market because you'll find seasonal fruits and vegetables, fresh seafood, locally made honey, hot and fresh kettle popcorn, organic eggs, fresh cut flowers, and my favorite certified organic stands.

If I happen to get hungry there are plenty of food vendors to choose from. You can choose from delicious rotisserie chicken and potatoes (so tasty!), savory crepes, fluffy Belgian waffles, homemade tamales, wood-fired pizza and oh so much more! With food in hand you can sit at a table and listen to some music.

I have some favorite deals in the market that I want to share with you all.
  • organic green onions for $1 a bunch 
  • 20 brown, cage free organic eggs for $5
  • 5 white onions for $1
  • organic basil for $1
  • a berry trio of organic raspberries, blueberries and strawberries for $7
  • peaches for $2.99 a lb 
  • beautiful flowers such as sunflowers for $3 a bunch and stargazer lilies for $3 a stem. 
I end up spending about $20 in fruits, vegetables and flowers and it all last me about 1.5 weeks! I would have to say my favorite things to buy is the fresh eggs and beautiful flowers. Both can be so expensive anywhere else but at the Farmers Market I get an awesome deal.

Coming to a Farmers Market is great because you support local farmers and food vendors. You know where your food is coming from and who is handling it. I know in smaller cities the markets are not as common but they should be and its so much healthier! For the market in the Civic Center , they will be celebrating their 30th anniversary on September 14th from 9 a.m - 4 p.m . I definitely plan on going and enjoying some music, food and of course do some shopping!

Till the next Farmers Market! Toodles!

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