Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fashion's Night Out San Francisco 2011

On September 8th was the the 3rd annual Fashion's Night Out (FNO) in San Francisco. It was my first time attending and I had no idea what to expect! Over 40 stores across the city held their doors open to special extended hours hosting celebrity appearances, new fall collections, great discounts and so much more. A couple hours is definitely not enough for FNO. You need a whole night to enjoy every store and see all the events going on!  I went to Union Square and made my way to Macy's , Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus.

Blair Eadie of with models she styled at Macy's. I love how she layered her lovely outfit with two different patterns and with gold chain necklaces. Her blog is one I will be following frequently!

Former Mayor Willie Brown looking sharp in his pinstripe suit! He was there to launch Macy's new Fashion Incubator program for 2012. I wish I was a designer! My favorite quote from his was, "Dress as if you are about to be displayed in an art gallery." He was my little celebrity sighting of the night. 

At Saks Fifth Avenue they had 3 bloggers style 2 mannequins each and people were able to vote on their favorite look. 

I love the sweater! Don't you?!

These were my favorite outfits. Both are very wearable in the city! I love wearing scarfs and both outfits include a version of it. 

Darrin George with pieces from his collaboration with Lauren Haut.

Since I know what to expect now of FNO I can't wait until next year. Maybe I'll be in SF or NYC?? Where will you be !?

Photo Resources:  
                             my camera

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