Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 12

As many of you already know I was discharged yesterday and now I'm home! It was a lot sooner than I expected. In the morning the doctors came in and told me my white blood cells went up to 3.7! Then they started mentioning I could probably go home. I was a little nervous about coming home because my numbers were higher but not high enough for normal. All the doctors agreed including my Gastroenterologist that I can go home. Before I left they gave me one last platelet transfusion because the number did drop. Towards the end of the transfusion I start to get so itchy! I end up breaking out in rashes all over my body, it felt like I had the chicken pox! They gave me Benadryl through my IV and it worked pretty quickly. Soon enough I knocked out and when I woke up my rashes were gone.

My last platelet transfusion! 

I was given papers for future blood tests, appointments, medicine and I was out of there! When I went outside it felt so good. I was a little warm because I was used to just a hospital gown and pj pants. Now I had on a sweater, pants, top and it made me feel a little warm. The breeze outside felt good and cooled me down. We walked to the park that was always in my view but didn't go to far up. I became tired so we headed back to the car to finally go home. I was still a little drowsy from the Benadryl and I took a nap. While I was napping I could hear Jonathan cleaning EVERYTHING with the Lysol wipes and spray. He's so awesome. I finished off my night with a lovely salmon dinner and went to sleep in my own bed! My sheets felt so good and comfortable, I missed it. I have to admit I do miss the bed at the hospital. I loved that I can just push a button and it went up and down. Well, I'm home and it feels good. I still have a lot of appointments and blood tests to do. I'll still be updating this blog with what is happening.

I had to take one last look at this wonderful view. It's so much better in person!

Thank you everybody for checking on me, praying for , sending good vibes to me and supporting me. I couldn't have done it without everybody and a huge thank you to my lovely Jonathan. It's not over though, I still have ways to go until I'm completely okay.


Anonymous said...

Hello Yvoncita, I am happy that you are home, but please becareful don't hesitate to go to the Dr, as soon as you don't feel ok, I guess this is a process and you are amazing, strong, and wise. We are praying for your well beign, you are always on our thoughts and with our prayers and faith, we are going to make it! We love you, God Bless you and Thanks for the update, For Tia Edna you are her little warrior and Rico loves you too! he told me!lol Tio Panchi! say Hi to Jonathan!

Anonymous said...

Hello Yvoncita, How are you doing, I heard that you are doing better, but my prayers have not stop for you to get better, please take care of yourself, keep in touch, we love you! And say Hi to Jonathan!
Tio Panchi