Monday, April 23, 2012

Day 11

After posting yesterday I had a nurse and come in and tell me they were changing my room! I was okay with it at first until they showed me my new room. It is double in size but its in a quiet little corner, a little to quiet. I wasn't to happy at first because I had all new nurses and Patient Care Assistants and I was away from all the nurses and most patients. I was liking all the familiar faces! It's good I'm away from the patients because I don't need the germs but I do like a little noise and people viewing.  I also lost my view of the Golden Gate Bridge and now I have more of a city shot. It's still a nice view! Later in the day my two of my previous nurses came to visit me. She said she missed me, gave me a hug and even brought the recliner chair into my new room. They made me feel better by coming by.

Ok, time for number updates for today! All my number have gone up! Not to much but up is better than down. My white blood cells went from 2.3 to 2.9, hemoglobin is about the same and platelets went up one point. I'm glad they went up because they were dropping pretty fast. One of my doctors even gave me a smile and a thumbs up! haha loved that! The doctors said I would probably be out in a couple days. It's hard to say though since the numbers are going up slowly.

Well, here's a look at my new room!

 The view is still amazing! See that big park in the center? When I'm discharged I'm going to walk there, climb to the top, find a bench and just sit and breath in some good fresh air.

 My new room is double the space!

Stop! In the name of germs! hahaha
 I'm the only patient that has this "Stop" sign outside my door. Everybody that comes in can't be sick and must sanitize hands. 

Hopefully tomorrow is just another day of higher numbers ! Go blood!

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