Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Met Gala 2012

The Costume Institute Gala held at the New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art is excessively referred to as "fashion's Oscars." Then night was to celebrate designers Muiccua Prada and the late Elsa Schiaparelli with the new exhibition, " Schiaparelli and Prada : Impossible Conversatoins."  Celebrities takes risks like Anna Wintour and a crowd filled with actors, models and fashion designers. There were some amazing A-List dates such as Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlakde, Hilary Swank and Michael Kors, and Jason Wu with model Karlie Kloss.  Where do I sign up?!  Below you'll find the top gowns I loved and stayed confused about. 

         Giselle Bundchen in Givenchy Haute Couture    Ashley Greene in Donna Karen        

Scarlett Johansson in Dolce & Gabbana

                             Amy Poehler in Fotini                       Amber Heard in Zac Posen

                      Cameron Diaz in Stella McCartney         Dianna Agron in Carolina Herrera
                           This dress weighed 22lbs!                            She's such a doll!

                          Jessica Alba in Michael Kors            Nina Broveb in Donna Karen Atelier
                                                                                               One of my favorite gowns!

                         Katherine McPhee in Elie Saab        Ronney Mara Givenchy

Gwyneth Paltrow in Prada
She looks amazing! Nobody else could have pulled this dress off.

                            Sofia Vergara in Marchesa               Amy Adams in Giambattista Valli Haute Couture 
                                       My favorite!

                            Anna Wintour in Elsa Schiaparelli                Diane Kruger in Prada
                              The lobster is inspired by Prada                   This color is stunning!

Beyonce in Givenchy Haute Couture
   I think I love it, still not sure. She looks great though!


                                             Rihanna in Tom Ford                Jessica Biel in Prada and Justin Timberlake
                                                                                            Can't wait for their wedding!


Friday, May 18, 2012

Go Blood!

It's been a while since I have written about how I'm doing. You would think I have time to write but the day flies by! Since I've been home I haven't been out to much. I was still at a small risk of infection and did not want to chance it. So after being home my mom came to visit me! I spent the weekend with her and enjoyed her amazing home cooked meals. When we went grocery shopping I had to stay in the car. To many germs in grocery stores!

While I was in the car I usually had an adorable neighbor! 

The Super Moon view from my rooftop. I was so amazed! It was huge and beautiful!
* I have more pictures but my phone isn't sending them to my email, boo.

After my mom left I had to give myself projects to keep busy. I was at home all day and had to do something. You know all those little things you want to do around the house but never get to? Well I finally had all the time in the world to get it all done. I did a very deep Spring cleaning! It doesn't sound to exciting but weirdly I enjoy organizing and cleaning out what I don't need. :D 

The only time I would really go somewhere was for my weekly blood tests. I couldn't get on the bus so Jonathan had to take me. The follow up appointment with my gastroenterologist after coming out of the hospital was a very informative one. My blood tests results were ok but not to much of a difference. While I was in the hospital they did 3 blood tests through out my stay to see the levels of the medicine. My doctor was expecting to see very high levels of the medicine in my blood. The whole time I was in the hospital all the doctors assumed I had a dangerous level of the medicine in me.Well,  he was shocked to see that the levels in all 3 tests were normal. The only other explanation for my blood counts dropping is that my bone marrow became very sensitive to the medicine. He said it's like my body had an allergic reaction to the medicine but it's not really an allergy. In his 30 years of practicing he had never seen this happen to anybody. I was the first, lucky me! Let's say I have to have chemo, knock on wood, I have to warn the doctors that my bone marrow is very sensitive to Mercaptopurine. This medicine is used on cancer patients by the way. Of course, I will not be put back on Mercaptopurine! My doctor said if we did we're playing with fire. No thank you! 

I'm now only on one medicine which is nice and cheaper! The past couple blood tests finally started to go up. Last week was good improvement but this week was the best. Here's a breakdown of my numbers. 
~ Hemoglobin is now 9.5, yay! My cheeks are rosy and my legs have color. They're not pale anymore! (Red Blood Cells is also anemia level)
~Platelets is now 181, normal is 150 (this helps my blood clot if I get cut)
~Absolute Neutrophil Count is 2200, normal is 800. This one made the biggest jump because last week it was 1100. (the white blood cell that fights infection)
~White Blood Cell Count is 4.2, normal is 4.0 (also fights infection)

After hearing these new numbers on Friday it made me so happy! I am officially getting better and quickly! I'm finally going back to work next week. Home was cool for the first week or two but this last week I don't really know what to do any more. I can now go back to the YMCA and take my classes. I need to start moving again! I am so aware of germs now! You don't really think about it but we live in a dirty world. Purell and Lysol wipes have become my close friends. 

After all of this I realize that I am very lucky to be ok. I could have easily caught an infection and my body wouldn't have been able to fight it. Makes me realize how special life is. I just want to have happiness, health and love in my life. Everybody should! Everything can change in a moment, life is crazy. 

I'll occasionally write here about my health but focus a little more on fashion posts. Thank you everybody who contacted me , visited me and wished me well. I love you all!

I'm better! Have a lovely day!